We may not take ourselves very seriously, but our products are as serious as it gets.
Have those day’s when you just feel dumb as sh*t?

Yeah, those days when you just cant think, it’s like “hello??? is anyone alive up there?”.
Fear not, person who struggles with a severe occasional lack of braincells, we’ve got extra to spare.
Actually We'll do you one better
We’ll make sure you’ve always got a brain that works.
Well with the magic of substances of course. (it’s like kinda what we do)

We built a stack of highly specific substances for those of us who like to get 40 hours of work done in 8, then go off and do whatever our little hearts desire. (such as spending all the extra money we’ve just made - we’re not financial advisors for a reason)
We decided that brain fog, mental fatigue, and being distracted were getting a little old. Like come on, what century is it?
Someone should have solved it by now.
Introducing the marvel of modern brain-enhancing substances:

The Productivity Olympian Stack
All these lead to getting hella stuff done, and less regrets, which we’re big fans and so are these guys:

60 Days Burnout Free!
"As an entrepreneur, burnout was my constant shadow. Since starting Productivity Olympian, I've gone 60 days without feeling drained or overwhelmed. My energy levels are steady, my focus is sharper, and I finally feel like I'm running my business instead of it running me!"
- Blake, Entrepreneur
✓Verified Customer
Doubled My Clients.
"Productivity Olympian has been a game-changer for my real estate hustle. I’m closing deals left and right, and my client roster has literally doubled in just weeks. It’s like having an extra hour every day—I’m more focused, responsive, and on top of my game than ever before."
- Jayden, Real Estate Agent
✓Verified Customer

Finished my Books.
"I’ve been sitting on unfinished books for months, always finding excuses. Since taking the Productivity Olympian stack, I’ve finally smashed through my reading list. My focus is insane—I’m diving into complex topics without getting distracted, and I’m already applying new insights to scale my startup."
- Nickalaus, Startup Founder
✓Verified Customer
haven't hit a creative block in over a month.
"Creative blocks used to stop me dead in my tracks. But ever since I started using Productivity Olympian, I haven’t hit a single roadblock. Ideas are flowing, my campaigns are popping, and I’m consistently bringing my best to the table. It’s like I’ve unlocked a new level of creative freedom."
- Jeffry, Marketing Specialist
✓Verified Customer
They're obsessed with our substances
Sometimes natural, sometimes not, always effective.
Nature’s got some dope stuff, so we try to use as much of it as possible, but when you need stuff that truly works, sometimes you just gotta crank it out in a lab with the nerds.
So safe, we test it on our mothers.
Just cause some of our substances are made in a lab doesn’t make them less safe. In fact, usually its safer, it’s purer, cleaner, and we known exactly where it came from and what’s in it. No mothers were harmed in the making of our products.

They lied. More is more.
So at this point you’re probably thinking…
“If I have to take two of each substance per day, that’s 8 pills! That’s a lot!”
Yes it is. That’s the point.
Unlike the losers trying to sell you a magic bullet, a one-pill-fixes-all solution (hint: it doesn’t work), we decided our customers were smart enough to realize they’d rather have substances that actually significantly improve their lives, and be willing to swallow a few more teeny pills.
She lied, bigger is better.
*image of our capsules next to generic store brand ones
Our capsules are on average at least 30% bigger and contain a more diverse matrix of synergistic substances. Human speak: capsules big to hold more stuff, and more different stuff that works well together.
Spoiler, this is also one of the many reasons why our stuff is more expensive, cause it’s actually enough stuff (dosage) to do anything meaningful.
But small is nice too!
Ah, redemption for our average sized kings.
Higher bioavailability and absorption (small things go in easier)
While our capsules themselves are big, what’s in them are as small as we can get them. What do we mean? The particles of substances inside each capsule have been micronized down to an average of 12 to 45 microns. (human hair is 70 Microns)
This results in more substances being absorbed into your body, faster, and an easier time getting to where they need to go.
image here can be GF substance at 12 micros, vs human hair at 70 microns, and fine coffee at 1000 microns.
Made in freedom land.

The Productivity Olympian
Welcome to the pinnacle of productivity, Olympian.
This stack is meticulously designed to help you access flow states easily and often, making your mind resilient to stress and burnout. It enhances cognitive function, improves sleep quality, manages mood, and boosts overall well-being. Even when conditions aren’t ideal, you operate at peak performance because that’s just how you’re built now.